
With over 20 years experience in the IT industry, we have helped everyone from the one-person office getting their business up and running again, to maintaining systems at organizations with IT staff in the thousands, to doing it all in-between.

We specialize in…

      • Linux administration
      • Website development
      • Home, small, and medium office build-outs
      • Creating your online presence
      • Fixing your Windows workstation
      • Updating your Mac
      • Building your new server
      • Repairing your old server

…and can advise on a number of questions or ideas.  We have seen decades of IT hits and misses, and will provide you with experienced short and long term direction.

Did something break?  Do you have an idea kicking around your head?  Would you like to get a new office up and running?  Great!  Well, sorry that one thing that broke…but contact us, we’d love to help!